Making Justice is a makerspace initiative that is building community in Madison, Wisconsin. Despite Madison’s…
design like mad

I applied to Design Like Mad for production assistance with the Madison Public Library website Teen Bubbler. The website was created to showcase the creations of underserved Madison teens in conjunction with Making Justice, a community-building makerspace iniatiative. Teen creations include animation, screen printing, music, painting, graphic design and video game design, to name just a few.
Design Like Mad, Madison Public Library 2014.
Design Like Mad brings together students and professional designers to provide pro-bono design work for Madison non-profit organizations that otherwise lack resources to publicize and brand their projects. We were matched with both a professional and a student designer who were interested in making a difference, providing a valuable mentorship experience for all involved. We first met with our designers a week before the event at a Making Justice teen workshop to generate preliminary ideas and images.
Madison, the view from Madison Public Library, 2014.

We worked into the night at the intensive 12-hour Design Like Mad marathon generating the basic layout of the Teen Bubbler website. During the following months, we developed these ideas with Making Justice co-collaborators, including teen participants and Madison Public Library’s in-house web master Jacob Ineichen.